2022ArticoleNr. 2 / 2022 (MAI-AUGUST)


By 17 noiembrie 2022martie 15th, 2024No Comments

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Mesaj transmis cu prilejul împlinirii a 145 de ani de la proclamarea Independenței României (1877-2022).

Abstract: Aniversăm anul acesta împlinirea a 145 de ani de la proclamarea Independenței României (10 mai 1877). În desfășurarea evenimentelor legate de acest act măreț al istoriei noastre, alături de Domnitorul Carol I, de oamenii politici ai timpului şi de armata țării, Biserica Ortodoxă Română a îndeplinit un rol de seamă prin slujitorii sfintelor altare, prin viețuitorii din mănăstiri şi prin credincioșii săi mireni.

Cuvinte-cheie: Independența României, 145 de ani de la proclamarea
Independenței României, demnitate națională, poporul român

Summary: We are celebrating this year 145 years since the proclamation of the Independence of Romania (the 10th of May 1877). In the progress of the events connected to this great act of our history, alongside of the Prince Carol the First, of the political men of the time and the army of the country, the Romanian Orthodox Church played a major part owing to the servants of the holy altars, to the monachal communities, and to her lay faithful […]. The Romanian Orthodox Church played a major part in sustaining the Romanian soldiers whose courage and bravery were inspired by the military priests, making them feel sanguine about the victory and about the rightfulness of the cause that they were fighting for […]. After the end of the war, in order to sustain the war orphans, the Romanian Orthodox Church organized, in monasteries, orphan asylums, schools, as well as infirmaries for the disabled soldiers […]. After the end of the Independence War, the poet Mihai Eminescu and the writer Ioan Slavici were among the first Romanian intellectuals that put forward and sustained the idea of building a national cathedral, in token of gratitude to God for gaining the Independence of Romania, namely a church edifice having the value of national symbol. Today, we, all the citizens of Romania, should feel in duty bound to keep and cultivate the holy gift of the national independence as an act of justice and a symbol of the Romanian people’s dignity, obtained with many sacrifices of human lives and many spiritual and material efforts, towards the benefit of Romania and the joy of the Romanians from everywhere.

Preafericitul Părinte Daniel, Patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române – membru de onoare al Academiei Române și autor a zeci de lucrări și peste 1.ooo de studii și articole în periodicele din țară și străinătate. E-mail: cabinet.patriarhal@patriarhia.ro