Abstract: In the Aula Magna „Teoctist the Patriarch” of the Patriarchal Palace took place, on February 8, 2023, the Annual working session of The National Church Assembly. During the meeting,…
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Abstract: In the Aula Magna „Teoctist the Patriarch” of the Patriarchal Palace took place, on February 8, 2023, the Annual working session of The National Church Assembly. During the meeting,…
Abstract: On September 29, 2022, the meeting of setting up the new Church National Assembly for the period 2022-2026 took place at the Palace of the Patriarchate of Bucharest under…
Abstract: În perioada 15-17 februarie 2022, la Patriarhia Română, sub președinția Preafericitului Părinte Patriarh Daniel, au avut loc ședințele de lucru ale organismelor centrale ale Bisericii Ortodoxe Române. Astfel, s-au…