2022ArticoleNR. 3 / 2022 (SEPTEMBRIE-DECEMBRIE)



By 15 ianuarie 2023ianuarie 29th, 2024No Comments

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Abstract: On 10th-12th October 2022, at the Patriarchal Palace in Bucharest, took place the International Theological Symposium “The Importance of Prayer in the Ecclesial and Personal Life of the Faithful”, organized by Romanian Patriarchate in collaboration with “Justinian Patriarch” Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Bucharest, with the support of the State Secretariat for Religious Affairs. During the eight sessions, have been debated issues regarding the importance of prayer, the models offered by the hesychastic saints but also the challenges within the contemporary society in terms of the experience of prayer. This important symposium was attended by hierarchs of our Church, professor-priests from the faculties of Orthodox Theology in Bucharest and in the country, monks and theology students, as well as guests from abroad and representatives of some central authorities and of the academic environment in Romania.

În perioada 10-12 octombrie 2022, la Palatul Patriarhiei din București, a avut loc Simpozionul Internațional de Teologie „Importanţa rugăciunii în viaţa eclesială şi personală a credincioşilor“, organizat de Patriarhia Română în colaborare cu Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Justinian Patriarhul” din București, cu sprijinul Secretariatului de Stat pentru Culte. În cadrul celor opt sesiuni de comunicări au fost dezbătute aspecte privind importanța rugăciunii, modele oferite de sfinții isihaști, dar și provocări din societatea contemporană în ceea ce privește experiența rugăciunii. La acest important simpozion au participat atât ierarhi ai Bisericii noastre, preoți profesori de la Facultățile de Teologie Ortodoxă din București și din țară, monahi și studenți teologi, cât și invitați din străinătate și reprezentanți ai unor autorități centrale și ai mediului academic din România.

Cuvinte-cheie: Palatul Patriarhiei din București, simpozion internațional de Teologie,
importanța rugăciunii, rugăciunea comunitară, rugăciunea personală, sesiuni,
prelegeri, discuții

Summary: On 10th-12th October 2022, at the Patriarchal Palace in Bucharest, took place the International Theological Symposium “The Importance of Prayer in the Ecclesial and Personal Life of the Faithful”, organized by the Romanian Patriarchate in collaboration with “Justinian Patriarch” Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Bucharest, with the support of the State Secretariat for Religious Affairs. The activities of this meeting with international participation were opened on the 10th of October 2022 with a festive session held in Aula Magna “Teoctist Patriarhul” of the Patriarchal Palace, was moderated by His Grace Varlaam Ploieșteanul, Patriarchal Assistant Bishop, during which His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, delivered a word of blessing entitled “Constant prayer brings holy joy in the life of Church and of the faithful”, and representatives from academia and state authorities presented messages. On the same day, two scientific communication sessions have been scheduled. The first of these, held in the same hall, was on the theme “Prayer in Holy Scripture. Biblical landmarks of human communion with God through prayer”, was moderated by His Grace Timotei Prahoveanul, Assistant Bishop of the Archbishopric of Bucharest. The second session, on “Prayer in the liturgical and ascetic (philocalic) life of the Church”, was moderated by Rev. Fr. prof. univ. dr. Nicușor Beldiman, Patriarchal Counsellor, and took place in the “Conventus” Hall of the Patriarchal Palace. At the end of the day was organized the launching of the bilingual edition of the New Testament, original text in ancient Greek and translated into Romanian, published by Vatoped Monastery Publishing House, at the initiative of the Vatoped Monastery community and of the abbot of the Athonite monastery, Father Archimandrite Efrem the Vatopedinian. On the second day of the event, 11th October 2022, three sessions of communications took place in the “Conventus” Hall. The first, moderated by Rev. Fr. prof. univ. dr. Ștefan Buchiu, honorary diocesan vicar, had the theme “Personal, family and community prayer”. The second had the theme “The importance of prayer for the healing and sanctification of man”, moderated by Very Rev. Fr. Archim. dr. Nectarie Șofelea, administrative exarch of the Archbishopric of Bucharest, and the last, “The distortion of prayer through the influence of Eastern religions and pseudoreligious practices”, being moderated by Prof. univ. dr. Adrian Lemeni, honorary patriarchal counselor. The last day of proceedings, October 12, 2022, comprised three sessions, held in the “Conventus” Hall of the Patriarchal Palace. The first two sessions, with the theme “Prayer in the liturgical and ascetic (philocalic) life of the Church”, were moderated by Rev. Fr. prof. univ. dr. Gheorghe Holbea and by Rev. Fr. prof. univ. dr. George Grigoriță, patriarchal counsellor. The last session of this symposium was moderated by Rev. Fr. dr. Nicolae Dascălu, patriarchal coordinating councillor, and had the theme “Personal, family and community prayer”, at the end of which the conclusions of the event were presented. At the end, after the presentation of the conclusions of this international symposium of theology of high scientific standing, in which participated, as I said, distinguished ecclesiastical, academic, university and medical personalities (hierarchs of our Church, spiritual fathers, professor-priests, academics, renowned doctors, university professors and scientific researchers), both from home and abroad, took place the conference “Unity with Christ”, held by Very Rev. Father Archimandrite Efrem the Vatopedinian, abbot of Vatoped Monastery in the Holy Mount Athos and moderated by Rev. Fr. prof. univ. dr. George Grigoriță.

Diac. dr. Vasile-Robert Nechifor – redactor în cadrul departamentului „Actualitatea religioasă” al Ziarului Lumina; e-mail: robertnechifor@yahoo.com

 Diac. Marinel Laurențiu Marcu – redactor-șef al Revistei Biserica Ortodoxă Română, Buletinul Oficial al Patriarhiei Române și doctorand al Școlii de Studii Avansate a Academiei
Române – SCOSAAR; e-mail: marinellmarcu@patriarhia.ro