2022ArticoleNR. 1 / 2022 (IANUARIE-APRILIE)


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Abstract: În perioada 15-17 februarie 2022, la Patriarhia Română, sub președinția Preafericitului Părinte Patriarh Daniel, au avut loc ședințele de lucru ale organismelor centrale ale Bisericii Ortodoxe Române. Astfel, s-au desfășurat, în ziua de 15 februarie 2022, ședința de lucru a Consiliului Național Bisericesc (CNB), în ziua de 16 februarie 2022, ședința anuală de lucru a Adunării Naționale Bisericești (ANB) și, în ziua de 17 februarie 2022, ședința de lucru a Sfântului Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române. Conform tradiției liturgice, lucrările sinodale au fost precedate de săvârșirea unei slujbe de Te Deum, oficiată în Sala „Europa Christiana” din Palatul Patriarhiei.

Cuvinte-cheie: Sfântul Sinod; Consiliul Național Bisericesc; Adunarea Națională Bisericească;
ședințe de lucru; dezbateri; hotărâri

Summary: Between the 15th and the 17th of February 2022, the working meetings of the central organical structures of the Romanian Orthodox Church took place at the Romanian Patriarchate, under the chairmanship of His Beatitude Father Patriarch Daniel. On the 15th of February 2022, was held the working meeting of the National Church Council, in the Holy Synod Hall of the Patriarchal Residence. Within the frame of this meeting, His Grace Father Varlaam Ploieșteanul, patriarchal Vicar-Bishop, presented the annual general Report (synthesis) of the National Church Council for the year 2021, on the activity in the Romanian Orthodox Church, headed: “Communion and co-operation with the Romanians from outside Romania”. On the 16th of February 2022, in “Teoctist the Patriarch” Aula Magna of the Palace of the Patriarchate, took place the annual working meeting of the National Church assembly, with works in permanent commissions and in plenary reunited session. The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church came together, on the 17th of February 2022, in a working meeting, in “Teoctist the Patriarch” Aula Magna of the Palace of the Patriarchate“. According to the liturgical tradition, the synodical works were preceded by a Te Deum service, officiated in “Europa Christiana” Hall of the Palace of the Patriarchate. Within the frame of this meeting, was approved the canonization of Venerable Teofana Basarab (the first known nun of Romanian race), under the name of Saint Venerable Teofana Basarab, being celebrated on the 28th of October, in the calendar of the Romanian Orthodox Church. The Holy Synod also highly appreciated the social-philanthropic activity of the eparchies, parishes, monasteries and social centres in the 2021, year bearing the pandemic mark, and urged the faithful of the Romanian Orthodox Church, at the beginning of the homage year dedicated to the prayer (2022), to stand in solidarity around the moral imperative of assisting the people in need and of manifesting the faith in Jesus Christ through the agency of prayer and the deeds of christian love.

Diac. Marinel Laurențiu Marcu – redactor-șef al Revistei Biserica Ortodoxă Română,
Buletinul Oficial al Patriarhiei Române și doctorand al Școlii de Studii Avansate a Academiei
Române – SCOSAAR; e-mail: marinellmarcu@patriarhia.ro