2022NR. 3 / 2022 (SEPTEMBRIE-DECEMBRIE)Studii



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Abstract: The Christian family, blessed by the Sacrament of Marriage, is an appropriate environment for the discipline of man and the fulfilment of his spiritual and religious vocation. The moderate and honest life and ideal Christian conduct are cultivated in the family home. The family is the foundation and root of the Christian moral life, because it is in the family environment that man acquires his first skills, forms his character and strives to practice the virtues. The family is therefore considered the basic unit of Christian society and a way of strengthening and developing religious life lived in communion. Within the family, the two rhythms of life, the biological and the spiritual, are harmoniously combined to cultivate and ennoble both body and soul.

Familia creștină, binecuvântată prin Taina Nunții, reprezintă un mediu adecvat de disciplinare a omului și de împlinire a vocației sale spirituale și religioase. Viața cumpătată și cinstită, precum și conduita creștină ideală sunt cultivate în sânul căminului familial. Familia reprezintă temelia și rădăcina vieții moral creștine, deoarece, în mediul familial omul dobândește primele deprinderi, își formează caracterul și se străduiește să practice virtuțile. Așadar, familia este considerată celula de bază a societății creștine și un mod de consolidare și dezvoltare a vieții religioase trăite în comuniune. În cadrul familiei, cele două ritmuri de viață, cel biologic și cel spiritual, se îmbină în mod armonios, pentru a cultiva și înnobila atât trupul, cât și sufletul.

Cuvinte-cheie: căsătorie, soț, soție, dragoste, armonie, simpatie, comuniune

Summary: The family is a divine settlement established by God since the creation of man (Genesis 2, 18, 22-24), in order to give him the opportunity to live together in communion and thus achieve spiritual and moral fulfilment. Created by God out of love and for love, man can find the meaning of life only by growing in love for God and for his neighbor, and his closest “neighbor” becomes his partner in life, who forms with him one body (Ephesians 5:31), one mind, one heart with him: the heart that beats in the two bodies, that ignites in them the fire of love and leads the two to fulfill each other and help each other, transmitting to each other the qualities and gifts that are proper to each, ennobling and perfecting each other. What God blesses in the Sacrament of Marriage is the sincere love between the two, which strengthens their natural bond and transfigures their new way of life, following the model of the union between Christ and Church (Ephesians 5:25,32). Family life should reflect as faithfully as possible Christ’s relationship with his Church. Christ stands at the door of every family home and waits for it to open, so that by entering it His peace and love may dwell, sanctify and illuminate the atmosphere of the home, so that those who live in it may feel Christ in their midst, be sweetened by His love, delight in His presence and be touched by His warmth and care. The Christian family must be configured according to the divine model of life of Holy Trinity, which is Trinity in unity, and this sublime ideal is attained only to the extent that the two spouses concretely assume the vocation of love, overcoming the selfishness` barriers and living permanently in complete and mutual self-giving and responsibility to each other, in the spirit of the sacrificial love. Only when love unites the spouses to unite them with God, does marriage reach the depths of a divine mystery and become creative. Marriage is the image of the union of the soul with God and the spiritual life lived in the bosom of the family is the foundation and root of the Christian moral life.

Arhim. conf. univ. dr. Vasile Miron – Facultatea de Teologie a Universității „Ovidius”
din Constanţa; e-mail: vasile1960miron@yahoo.com