Abstract: Între hotărârile celei de‑a 11‑a Adunări Generale a Consiliului Mondial al Bisericilor (CMB) din 2022 (Karlsruhe, Germania) s‑a numărat înființarea, în cadrul Comitetului Central, a unui Comitet Permanent pentru Consens şi Colaborare. Membrii acestui nou comitet s‑au reunit în perioada 10‑14 martie la Istanbul, la invitația Patriarhului Ecumenic.
Cuvinte-cheie: Consiliului Mondial al Bisericilor, consens şi colaborare, adunare generală, relații
Summary: On March 10th-14th, the Permanent Commission for Consensus and Collaboration of the World Council of Churches in Geneva (WCC) met at the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The Romanian Orthodox Church was represented by His Eminence Nifon, Archbishop of Târgoviște, honorary metropolitan and patriarchal exarch. The meeting was organized at the invitation of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and hosted by Metropolitan Emmanuel of Chalcedon, Co-moderator of the Permanent Commission for Consensus and Collaboration. The agenda of the meeting included review sessions on issues relating to the mandate of the committee and its members, as well as the report prepared by the Order and Constitution Committee. Following the previous recommendations, the members of the Standing Committee on Consensus and Collaboration analysed the highlights of the CMB’s proposed Strategic Plan for 2023-2030. It was the first meeting since the re-election of committee members in June 2023.
Diac. dr. Alexandru Briciu – Redactor-șef al Ziarului Lumina;
e-mail: briciu.alexandru@gmail.com