Abstract: From 24th to 28th October 2022, the faithful from Bucharest and pilgrims who came to Bucharest, participated in the events dedicated to the feast of Saint Venerable Demetrios the New, Protector of Bucharest. The events began with the traditional procession “The Way of the Saints”, in which those present experienced the joy of meeting again the protector saint and moments of brotherly communion, testifying the Orthodox faith through song and prayer in common. This year, the Saint Venerable Demetrios the New, bringer of saints in the city of Bucharest, had with him in prayer St. Gregory Palamas, whose honoured relics were brought from the metropolis of Veria, Naousa and Kampania (Greece).
În perioada 24-28 octombrie 2022, credincioșii bucureșteni și pelerinii sosiți în Capitală au participat la evenimentele dedicate sărbătorii Sfântului Cuvios Dimitrie cel Nou, Ocrotitorul Bucureștilor. Manifestările au debutat cu procesiunea tradițională „Calea Sfinților”, în care, cei prezenți au trăit bucuria reîntâlnirii cu sfântul ocrotitor și momente de comuniune frățească, mărturisind credința ortodoxă pe străzile Capitalei prin cântare și rugăciune în comun. Anul acesta, Sfântul Cuvios Dimitrie cel Nou, aducător de sfinți în cetatea Bucureștilor, l-a avut împreună‑rugător pe Sfântul Ierarh Grigorie Palama, ale cărui cinstite moaște au fost aduse din Mitropolia de Veria, Naousa şi Kampania (Grecia).
Cuvinte-cheie: Sărbătoarea Sfântului Cuvios Dimitrie cel Nou, procesiunea „Calea Sfinților”,
pelerinaj, hramul Catedralei Patriarhale
Summary: From 24th to 28th October 2022, the faithful from Bucharest and pilgrims who arrived in the capital participated in the events dedicated to the feast of Saint Venerable Demetrios the New, Protector of Bucharest. The events began with the traditional procession “The Way of the Saints”, in which those present experienced the joy of meeting again the protector saint and moments of brotherly communion, testifying the Orthodox faith through song and prayer in common. This year, Saint Venerable Demetrios the New, bringer of saints in the city of Bucharest, had with him in prayer Saint Hierarch Gregory Palamas, whose honoured relics were brought from the Metropolitanate of Veria, Naousa and Kampania (Greece). The delegation of the Orthodox Church of Greece that brought the relics of Saint Gregory Palamas to Bucharest was composed of Metropolitan Panteleimon of Veria, Naousa and Kampania, Archim. Nectarios Laskaridis, Archim. Sosipatros Pitoulias, Archim. Grigorios Mazas, Archdeac. Pantelimon Papaemanouil and Deac. Kosmas Karagiannis.
The ceremony was attended by Patriarch Daniel, Archbishop Nifon of Târgoviște, Honorary Metropolitan and Patriarchal Exarch, Archbishop Cassian of Dunărea de Jos, Bishop Galaction of Alexandria and Teleorman, Bishop Visarion of Tulcea, Bishop Ieronim of Dacia Felix, Bishop Siluan of Hungary, Assistant Bishop Timotei Prahoveanul of the Archdiocese of Bucharest. “All these saints call us to a co-labor with the grace of God, through prayer and penance, through humility and mercy, to the sanctification of our lives, to the likeness of God. Following the lives of the saints helps us to seek human perfection and holiness, as St. Paul writes to the Hebrews: ‘Seek peace with all and holiness, without which no one will see God’ (Hebrews 12:14),” said Father Patriarch. The guests from Greece also brought two icons, one depicting St. Gregory Palamas and the other depicting members of his family who have been declared saints by the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The Saint Great Martyr Demetrios, the Myrrh-Streamer, was celebrated on October 26th, on the Hill of Joy. The Holy Mass was celebrated at the Summer Altar by His Eminence Panteleimon, Metropolitan of Veria, Naousa and Kampania, together with Romanian hierarchs. His Eminence also delivered the sermon after the reading of the Holy Gospel. The events dedicated to Saint Venerable Demetrios the New culminated on 27th October with the Holy Mass celebrated at the Summer Altar in the vicinity of the Patriarchal Cathedral by His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, together with an impressive gathering of 38 Romanian and foreign hierarchs, in the presence of state authorities and of thousands of faithful from all over the country. At the end, His Beatitude addressed a message of congratulations and thanks to the invited hierarchs, pilgrims and to all those who were involved in the organization of this year’s feast day.
Diac. dr. Vasile-Robert Nechifor – redactor în cadrul departamentului „Actualitatea
religioasă” al Ziarului Lumina; e-mail: robertnechifor@yahoo.com
Andrei Butu – redactor în cadrul departamentului „Actualitatea religioasă” a Ziarului
Lumina; e-mail: andrei.ziarullumina@gmail.com
Emilian Apostolescu – redactor în cadrul departamentului „Actualitatea religioasă” al
Ziarului Lumina; e-mail: aemilian95@yahoo.com