2019ArticoleNR. 3 / 2019 (SEPTEMBRIE-DECEMBRIE)


By 3 septembrie 2019mai 19th, 2022No Comments

Abstract: Duminică, 1 septembrie 2019, la Mănăstirea Putna a fost sărbătorită împlinirea celor 550 de ani de la sfințirea mănăstirii – 3 septembrie 1469. Cu acest prilej, a fost oficiată Sfânta Liturghie de un sobor de preoți și diaconi în frunte cu Înaltpreasfințitul Părinte Serafim, Mitropolitul Ortodox Român al Germaniei, Europei Centrale și de Nord. Au urmat un recital de muzică și poezie, lansarea unui volum care înmănunchează portretele viețuitorilor aleși ai mănăstirii de peste veacuri și lansarea unui dvd cu film documentar.

Keywords: Putna Monastery, the 550th anniversary, consecration, Stephen the Great, Patriarch of Romania, Gabriel Rădășanu

Summary: Putna Monastery, the first monastic foundation of the Holy Voivode Stephen the Great, celebrated on Sunday, 1st september 2019, the 550th anniversary of its consecration. The consecration took place on 3 September, 1469. Anniversary celebrations began on Saturday, by laying on the ruler’s tomb a particle still extant of the plane tree that used to stand on the spot of the monastery’s altar, as well as the ceramic vigil lamp placed at the foundation of the monastery, and the reconstructed crown of Stephen the Great. Later during the day, the Vigil service was officiated, starting at 7 p.m. On Sunday, the Holy Liturgy attended by a great number of faithful and pilgrims was presided by Metropolitan Seraphim of Germany, Central and Northern Europe. The liturgical responses were chanted by the monastery’s psaltic music group „Eustatie Protopsaltul [Protopsaltis Eustathius]” and the choir of „St Elijah” church in Târgu Neamț, according to the statement released by Putna Monastery. After the holy service, Metropolitan Seraphim read out the address sent by His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel for this major event. In his message, entitled „Putna Monastery – 550 years pledged to heaven and offered up to the Most Holy Trinity”, the Patriarch of Romania presented a brief history of this monastic settlement and spoke of the role of monasteries in the life of the Romanian people. „The rich liturgical, cultural and patriotic events, regularly held of late by this holy monastery, demonstrate that Putna, the foundation of our holy voivode Stephen the Great, ruler of Moldavia, has been in both good and harsh times – come rain or shine – a promoter of the unity of the faith and nation”, His Beatitude stated. After reading out the address, Metropolitan Seraphim spoke of two challenges faced by the Romanian people. „I believe that here, at Putna, Saint Stephen is turning in his grave and wishes he could return on earth, where his foremost concern would be to stop Romanians from leaving the country. And secondly, he would put an end to the alienation of our country’s wealth”. Then a music and poetry recital followed under the title „550 years since the consecration of our gracious mother – Putna”, offered by the traditional music group „Ai lui Ștefan, noi oșteni [We, Stephen’s soldiers]” of the Technological Highschool „Ion Nistor”, Vicovu de Sus. The event concluded with the launch of the first part of the Trinitas TV documentary film „Putna Monastery. Stephen’s Era” and the volume „Vigil at His Highness’ abode – the Paterikon of Putna Monastery”, second edition.

Gabriel Rădășanu – redactor al Revistei Biserica Ortodoxă Română, din cadrul Editurilor Patriarhiei Române
Locație: București
e-mail: gabrielbogdan23@gmail.com