Abstract: The feast day of Saint Pious Mother Parascheva gathered also this year, in the old capital city of Moldova, numerous people in order to assist to the Divine Liturgy, celebrated by a group of 26 hierarchs from Romania and abroad, moment that crowned this blessed period in Iași. According to the estimated offered by the authorities more than 200,000 of faithful people came to pay reverence to the sacred relics of Saint Pious Parascheva and Saint Pious Paisie of Neamț.
Sărbătoarea Sfintei Cuvioase Parascheva a adunat și în acest an în vechea capitală a Moldovei numeroși oameni pentru a lua parte la Sfânta Liturghie săvârșită de un sobor de 26 de ierarhi din țară și din străinătate, moment care a încununat această perioadă binecuvântată la Iași. Potrivit estimărilor oferite de autorități, peste 200.000 de credincioşi au trecut pe la raclele cu cinstitele moaște ale Sfintei Cuvioase Parascheva și ale Sfântului Cuvios Paisie de la Neamț.
Cuvinte-cheie: Catedrala Mitropolitană din Iași, Sfânta Cuvioasă Parascheva, pelerinaj, slujbă
hram, sobor ierarhi
Summary: The city of Iași became on October 14, 2022, the very center of the Romanian spirituality. Tens of pilgrims came from all the corners of the country in order to pay tribute of gratitude to the Protectress of Moldova, Saint Parascheva, as well as to Saint Paisie of Neamț for the blessings overflown in the souls of the faithful. The culminating point of the period of the dedication was the Divine Liturgy officiated on the Altar especially arranged on the Steven the Great Avenue by a group of 26 hierarchs from Romania, Bessarabia, France, as well as from Greece, Bulgaria, Jordan and Tanzania – Africa. The enlightening speech was pronounced by His Eminence Father Gheorghios, the Metropolitan of Kitrus, Katherini and Platamonas, who spoke about the pilgrimage tradition. Towards the end of the Holy Liturgy, His Eminence father Teofan, the Metropolitan of Moldova and Bucovina, pronounced a short enlightening speech in which he emphasized the importance of the prayer within the context of the actual time. Also, His Eminence Father Metropolitan Teofan awarded the medal of the Cross of Saint Hierarch Joseph the Merciful to some priests on the border of Romania, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, who were present at the customs and helped the refugees to flee away from the war. After this moment of awarding the medals, Father Metropolitan Teofan thanked all that had contributed to the success of the celebration of the dedication feast-day of this year, emphasizing the fraternal and spiritual connection between the Romanian and Ukrainian people, especially within the context of the conflict which broke out at the beginning of this year.
Silviu Dascălu – editor în cadrul departamentului „Actualitatea religioasă” a Ziarului Lumina; e-mail: popaiasi@yahoo.com
Flavius Ștefan Popa – redactor în cadrul departamentului „Actualitatea religioasă” a
Ziarului Lumina (Mitropolia Moldovei și Bucovinei); e-mail: popaflaviusstefan@gmail.com