Abstract: În seara zilei de duminică, 21 august 2022, în Centrul civic al Vasluiului, a avut loc cea de-a II-a ediție a Festivalului de muzică corală laică și religioasă „Gheorghe Cucu”. Au susţinut recitaluri: Corala „Fantasia” din Vaslui, Corala „Doxologia” a Catedralei Episcopale „Sfânta Treime” din Baia Mare, Grupul psaltic „Sfânta Mare Muceniță Chiriachi” al Catedralei Episcopale din Huși, Corul „Gavriil Musicescu” al Filarmonicii de Stat „Moldova” din Iași, și Grupul psaltic „Tronos” al Patriarhiei Române.
Cuvinte-cheie: Gheorghe Cucu, festival de muzică corală, muzică corală laică și religioasă,
Summary: On the evening of August 21, 2022, in the civic center of Vaslui, the “Gheorghe Cucu” secular and religious choral music festival took place. The Diocese of Huși, Vaslui City Hall, Vaslui County Council and the Vaslui County Centre for the Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture were the organizers of this exceptional event, now at its second edition. Present at the event, His Grace Father Ignatie, Bishop of Huși, spoke about the impact of quality music on the inner state of man and its special ability to create an atmosphere of peace and inwardness and thanked all those involved in organizing this cultural event of soul benefit, which aims to highlight the great composer, born in Vaslui, Gheorghe Cucu. For more than three hours, in front of a large audience that filled the civic center of Vaslui, several choirs from Vaslui and from other parts of the country performed recitals, interpreting religious, folk and patriotic pieces. The novelty of
this year’s edition was the organization, on 20 August, of a competition for choirs from all over the country, with a jury made up of music experts. The winner of the competition was the “Doxologia” choir of the “Holy Trinity” Episcopal Cathedral of Baia Mare.
Pr. Cosmin Gubernat – Consilier cultural și comunicații media al Episcopiei Hușilor;
e-mail: cosmin.gubernat@gmail.com