2019CuprinsNR. 3 / 2019 (SEPTEMBRIE-DECEMBRIE)

CUPRINS NR. 3/2019 

By 31 decembrie 2019mai 4th, 2022No Comments


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2019 – Commemorative Year of Patriarchs Nicodim Munteanu and Iustin Moisescu, and of the translators of church books in the Romanian Patriarchate
The address delivered by His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, opening the autumn session of the Pastoral-missionary Conference – Bucharest, the Palace of the Patriarchate, 11 November 2019……………….. 7
Pastoral letters
Pastoral letter of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church for the first Sunday in the Lord’s Nativity fast……………………. 19
Blessing parents and children – Pastoral letter of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel for the feast of Lord’s Nativity ………………………… 30
Putna Monastery celebrates the 550th anniversary of its consecration (1 September) – Gabriel Rădășanu……………….. 39
School and Church endorse the education of pupils in the rural and urban environments
Address of His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of Romania, for the beginning of the new school year 2019-2020………………………………… 51
The 12th anniversary of the enthronement of His Beatitude Daniel (30 September), Archdeacon Ştefan Sfarghie, Deacon Ioan-Aurelian Marinescu………………………….53
The National Symposium of Theology „The Romanian village: shaping, preserving and fostering the national character and the Orthodox faith” (6-9 October 2019)
Andrei Butu, Vasile-Robert Nechifor………………………. 69
The annual meeting of the military clergy in Romania (8 October) – Andrei Butu……………… 79
Tribute to Dimitrie Ionescu-Berechet, architect of the Romanian Patriarchate, 50 years after his repose in the Lord (8 October) – Sorin Ioniţe………………… 84
Festive inauguration of the new headquarters of the Rectorate of Bucharest University (9 October) – Andrei Butu, Mihail Mere-Albe……………………. 90
The feast of Blessed Paraskevi celebrated in the city of Iași (14 October) – Flavius Popa, Iulian Dumitraşcu…………………………….. 97
The remains of queen‑mother helen Of Romania repatriated and re-entombed at Curtea de Argeș (17-19 October) – Deacon Alexandru Briciu, Gabriel Rădășanu………….. 116
Events dedicated to the pilgrimage for the feast of Blessed Demetrios the New, the patron saint and protector of Bucharest (25-29 October)
Archdeacon Ştefan Sfarghie, Marius Nedelcu, Andrei Butu    132
The solemn session of the Romanian Parliament dedicated to the National Day (2 December) – Vasile-Robert Nechifor……………………………. 182
Consecration of the military church within the precincts of the Ministry of National Defence (MApN) (9 December) – Iulian Dumitraşcu…………………… 185
His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel awarded Honorary Citizenship of Bucharest City (12 December) – Vasile-Robert Nechifor……………………… 188
Solemn Synod meeting dedicated to the Revolution of 1989 (16 December) – Andrei Butu, Vasile-Robert Nechifor…………………….. 191
Celebrating the name day of His Beatitude Daniel, the Patriarch of Romania (17 December) – Marinel Laurențiu Marcu…………………….. 202
His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel attends the investiture ceremony of the President of Romania (21 December) – Marinel Laurențiu Marcu…………………. 219
Remembrance service for the heroes of the Romanian Revolution of 1989 at the Patriarchal Cathedral (22 December) – Marinel Laurențiu Marcu…………….. 222
The work agenda of the Patriarch of Romania
The work agenda of His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church (1 September – 31 December 2019)………………….. 227
Gregory the Great (590-640 AD) and the historical tradition of Emperor Trajan – Pr. Assoc. Prof. Marin Cojoc……………………. 255
Romanian orthodox Diaspora
The first Romanian Orthodox monastery consecrated in Portugal (17 November) – Vasile-Robert Nechifor, Mihail Mere-Albe……………. 269
The first Romanian Orthodox church consecrated in South Africa (30 November) – Gheorghe Cristian Popa…………… 272
Orthodoxy in dialogue
Message addressed by His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel, to the participants in the 27th International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality, Bose Monastery (4-6 September)…………………….. 281
The International Meeting of the Orthodox Youth (ITO 2019) (5-8 September) – Ștefana Totorcea, Andrei Butu ……………………………. 283
The first meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the 18th Plenary Session of the International Joint Commission on the theological dialogue between the Lutheran World Federation and the Orthodox Church (24 September – 1 October)
Gheorghe Anghel………………………….. 311
The delegation of the Romanian Patriarchate attends the cultural and religious events celebrating 25 years in office of Metropolitan Panteleimon of Veria (9-10 November)
Darius Echim…………………. 314
Presentation visit to the Romanian Patriarchate of His Excellency Mr Adrian Zuckerman, ambassador of the United States of America to Romania (19 December)
The press office  of the Romanian Patriarchate…………. 318
Folklorist priests and their contribution to the development of Romanian Folklore Studies – Deacon Marin Velea………….. 323