CONTENTS Shepherding and Caring for the Sick is a Fulfillment of the Word of God and a Missionary Priority † Daniel, Patriarch of Romania…………………………………………………….. 11 Pastoral letters Through…
CUPRINS Revista „Biserica Ortodoxă Română“ (1873-2023), Buletinul Oficial al Patriarhiei Române –150 de ani în slujba Bisericii şi a neamului românesc † Daniel, Patriarhul României……………………………………………………… 11 Pastorale Pastorala Sfântului…
CUPRINS Priorități în pastorația persoanelor vârstnice † Daniel, Patriarhul României……………………………………………………….. 11 Evenimente Manifestări cultural-religioase dedicate Episcopului Melchisedec Ștefănescu (16 mai 2023) Gabriel Rădășanu………………………………………………………………………… 19 Serbarea hramului istoric al Catedralei…
CUPRINS 2023 – „Anul omagial al pastorației persoanelor vârstnice” și „Anul comemorativ al imnografilor și cântăreților bisericești (psalți)” – Proclamarea oficială a Anului omagial și comemorativ – 2023 în…
CUPRINS Rugăciunea neîncetată dăruiește creştinului pacea, bucuria şi lumina slavei taborice a Preasfintei Treimi Cuvânt rostit la deschiderea lucrărilor Conferinţei pastoral-misionare semestriale de toamnă a clerului din Arhiepiscopia Bucureştilor,…
CUPRINS 2022 – Anul omagial al rugăciunii în viaţa Bisericii şi a creştinului † Daniel, Patriarhul României……………………………………………………… 15 Evenimente Manifestările spiritual-culturale dedicate Zilelor Credinței și Culturii în Episcopia Caransebeșului…
CUPRINS 2022 – „Anul omagial al rugăciunii în viaţa Bisericii şi a creştinului” şi „Anul comemorativ al sfinţilor isihaşti Simeon Noul Teolog, Grigorie Palama şi Paisie de la Neamţ”…
CONTENTS Honoring the memory of those fallen asleep in the Lord and looking after the cemeteries Address delivered at the working session of the fall semestral Pastoral Missionary Conference…
CUPRINS / CONTENTS Blessing to all Romanians abroad Address delivered on „Romanian Migrants’ Sunday”, 22 August 2021 † Daniel, Patriarch of Romania …………………… 15 PASTORAL LETTERS Christ’s Resurrection – the…
CUPRINS / CONTENTS The Solemn Year dedicated to the pastoral care for Romanians abroad and Commemorative Year of the reposed in the Lord; the liturgical and cultural significance of cemeteries…
CUPRINS / CONTENTS Blessing families and school for the beginning of the school year The address delivered by His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel, at the beginning of the new school year…
CUPRINS/Contents The Christian family – an icon of God’s love in the world The address delivered by His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, for the Sunday of…
CUPRINS / CONTENTS 2019 – Commemorative Year of Patriarchs Nicodim Munteanu and Iustin Moisescu, and of the translators of church books in the Romanian Patriarchate The address delivered by His…
CUPRINS / CONTENTS The Romanian village ought to receive more support from city dwellers The address delivered by His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, opening the spring…
CUPRINS / CONTENTS Contents 2019 – Solemn Year of the Romanian Village (of priests, teachers and diligent mayors) and Commemorative Year of Patriarchs Nicodim Munteanu and Iustin Moisescu, and of…
CUPRINS / CONTENTS 2018 – Commemorative Year of the 1918 Great Union Founders The address delivered by His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, opening the autumn session…
CUPRINS / CONTENTS 2018 – Solemn Year of the Unity of Faith and Nation, and Commemorative Year of the 1918 Great Union Founders The address delivered by His Beatitude Patriarch…
CUPRINS / CONTENTS 2017 – Solemn Year of Holy Icons, Iconographers and Church Painters and Commemorative Year of Patriarch Justinian and of the Defenders of Orthodoxy during Communism, celebrated in…
CUPRINS / CONTENTS 2016 – Year of the Holy Hieromartyr Anthimos the Ivirite and of Church Typographers Anthimos the Ivirite – a missionary typographer and self-sacrificing metropolitan Address delivered by…
CUPRINS / CONTENTS 2016 – Solemn year of the religious education of Christian Orthodox youth Educating children and youth – the most important investment Address delivered by His Beatitude Daniel,…
CUPRINS / CONTENTS 2015 – Commemorative Year of Saint John Chrysostom and of the great spiritual shepherds within eparchies Address delivered by His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox…
CUPRINS / CONTENTS Solemn Year of the Parish and Monastery Mission Today Decision no. 10.717, of 29 October 2013, of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, proclaiming the…