2022ArticoleNR. 1 / 2022 (IANUARIE-APRILIE)


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Cuvânt la Ziua Culturii Naţionale, 15 ianuarie 2022.

Abstract: Biserica Ortodoxă Română a avut o contribuție majoră la formarea şi promovarea culturii neamului românesc. Odată cu primele încercări de organizare statală, rolul Bisericii în dezvoltarea culturii şi civilizației românești a urmat modelul bizantin; o seamă de personalități eclesiale: episcopi, preoţi sau călugări, dintre care vom menționa doar câteva nume, au îndrumat principala activitate culturală din epocă. Mihai Eminescu, cunoscând rolul Bisericii și al credinței creștine în dezvoltarea culturii și a limbii române ca veșmânt viu al învățăturilor de credință și al cultului liturgic, a numit Biserica Ortodoxă Română „maica spirituală a neamului românesc, care a născut unitatea limbii și unitatea etnică a poporului”.

Cuvinte-cheie: The Day of the National Culture; the Romanian people; the Romanian
language; the unity of the language; the ethnical unity

Summary: The Romanian Orthodox Church had a prominent contribution to building and promoting the culture of the Romanian race. At the same time as the first attempts of State organization, the role of the Church in the development of the Romanian culture and civilization followed the Byzantine example; many ecclesiastic personalities (bishops, priests or monks, among whom we shall mention only a few names) directed the main cultural activity of the time. Mihai Eminescu knowing the role of the Church and of the Christian faith in the development of the Romanian culture and languages as living vestment of the doctrine of faith and the liturgical cult, named the Romanian Orthodox Church “the spiritual mother of the Romanian race, she who generated the unity of the language and the ethnical unity of the people”. The first printing houses in the Romanian space appeared in less than half a century from Gutenberg’s invention (1455), working on the premises of monasteries or episcopal centers… Whole Pleiades of bishops or metropolitans were writers, poets, translators or creators of Romanian culture and civilization… Among the erudite monks who contributed to the development of the national culture there are Saint Venerable John Cassian (the 5th century), Saint Venerable Dionysius Exiguus (the 4th century), Saint Niketas of Remesiana († 414), and later Saint Venerable Ukrainian hesychast Paisios of Neamț († 1794) … A lot of Orthodox churches and monasteries are representative of the Romanian culture and art, being true identity cards by which we can present our creative genius before other peoples… A fervent cultural and artistic activity was carried on in all these monasteries, and Chronicles of the Romanians’ history were written here. The first primary school, in which the teaching languages were the Church Slavonic and the Romanian, came into being on the premises of the monasteries and then of the lay-churches… After the year 1944, at the same time as the setting up of the atheist communist system, the Romanian Orthodox Church was gradually removed from the social and cultural life… After the fall of the communism, remaining consistent in the century-old tradition of being “the spiritual Mother of the Romanian people”, as Mihai Eminescu would call her, the Romanian Orthodox Church continues to be the protector and the promoter of the Romanian cultural values […].

Preafericitul Părinte Daniel, Patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române – membru de onoare al Academiei Române și autor a zeci de lucrări și peste 1.ooo de studii și articole în periodicele din țară și străinătate. E-mail: cabinet.patriarhal@patriarhia.ro