2022ArticoleNR. 1 / 2022 (IANUARIE-APRILIE)


By 9 august 2022ianuarie 29th, 2024No Comments

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Abstract: În ziua de 30 ianuarie 2022, de sărbătoarea Sfinților Trei Ierarhi, la Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Ilarion V. Felea” din Arad, a avut loc un amplu eveniment aniversar dedicat sărbătoririi Bicentenarului teologiei arădene. Manifestarea a debutat cu săvârșirea Sfintei Liturghii, în Catedrala istorică din Arad, de un sobor de nouă ierarhi, înconjurați de preoți și diaconi, condus de Înaltpreasfinţitul Părinte Timotei, Arhiepiscopul Aradului. La această aniversare au fost prezenți reprezentanți ai oficialităților centrale și locale, conducerea celor două universități arădene, reprezentanți ai instituțiilor școlare și de cultură din orașul Arad, studenți teologi, elevi seminariști și alți credincioși.

Cuvinte-cheie: Institutul Teologic din Arad; eveniment aniversar; 200 de ani de la înființare;
manifestări bisericești; academice și culturale

Summary: The year 2022 celebrates the 200 years that passed from the setting up of the Theological Institute of Arad, unique and extraordinary moment in those times, with vast consequences till nowadays. In order celebrate properly this anniversary event, the Faculty of Orthodox Theology “Ilarion V. Felea” of Arad, the continuer and preserver of the two century-old theological tradition in Arad, organized, on the 30th of January 2022, the feast-day of The Three Holy Hierarchs – protectors of the theological schools – an eminent church and cultural event, under the protection of the Archdiocese of Arad and in cooperation with the University “Aurel Vlaicu” of Arad, as well as with the central and local administrative and cultural institutions of Arad. This anniversary event began with the celebration of the Holy Liturgy in the historic Cathedral of Arad, by a group of nine hierarchs, assisted by priests and deacons, under the leadership of His Eminence Father Timotei, Archbishop of Arad. Central and local official persons, the leaders of the two universities of Arad, representatives of the school and culture institutions of Arad, theology students, seminarians and other faithful also participated in this prominent event. The second part of it continued with the inaugural Festivity of the bicentenary celebration of theology in Arad, that took part in the assembly hall of the faculty. On this occasion, the anniversary medal of the Faculty of Theology “Ilarion V. Felea” of Arad was launched and conferred to the hierarchs who participated in the festivity, to the central and local county official persons, as well as to the successors of the priests professors of the Theological Academy and the Faculty of Theology of Arad, and on a par with this medal an anniversary diploma was also conferred, showing high regard for the contribution made to the increase of the prestige of the Faculty. In the end, the collection “Monographs – Theologians of Arad”, which contains the historic and theological monographs of the bishops and the professors of theology from the period of the Institute and the Academy, and which are going to be elaborated by the present-day professors of the Faculty of Theology of Arad.

Protos. lect. dr. Nicolae M. Tang – Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Ilarion V. Felea”,
Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad; e-mail: marceltang@yahoo.com